Social Media
COMnGO article written by Alicia Vargas. If we think about marketing campaigns that are famous, we may remember many: maybe we are still singing the jingle, making jokes about it or using a new word or phrase from a funny commercial. But this, not necessarily means that it was a succesful campaign, or does it? […]
THE USAGE OF SOCIAL MEDIA FOR AN NGO LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS Volunteering has been a very popular topic lately, especially among young people who love to travel, follow their passion, learning/gaining a new experience in different countries, or continents by experiencing another culture and way of living. However, it is not that easy to decide […]
GUIDELINES FOR SOCIAL MEDIA SCHEDULING TOOLS So, you are in charge of the social media management and because of your innate creativity and skills, you can create content for your page (or pages) basically out of nowhere. But, you still need to count on something: internet connection. Imagine you are in a beautiful eco-camping on […]
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings by Illinois, school officials said on Monday.
With so many variety of photo and video editing programs, which should I use? There is a wide variety of programs to edit your images and videos, both free and professional or paid. Certainly there are similarities between these programs; most work with layers, a basic tool that allows you to work independently with the […]