By Marta Cáceres. For 20 years I have been a Social Worker in Nicaragua, until I had to take over the communication area of the organization in which I was working. I received some training and workshops on social media, and graphic design, but I felt that they were not enough… Until in 2017 I […]
By Simone Guiducci. I came here for a work exchange within the European Project COMnGO, a Capacity Building which aims to develop and improve the capabilities of NGOs in the field of online marketing, web-design and internal and external communication. We have developed different training to improve the knowledge and the available resources to all […]
The upcoming budget for the Chicago Public Schools will rely on $500 million in yet-to-be-enacted pension savings by Illinois, school officials said on Monday.
One of the decisions faced by small entrepreneurs, those who barely have funds to operate, is if they have to create a web page, since the expense of a web page (however little it may be) is out of reach. Given that, you should agree that who is not on the Internet does not exist. […]
By Alicia Vargas (Cusco, Peru). I’m back at the Sacred Valley to keep working in this beautiful place with MySmallHelp Peru. I really enjoy the work I do here, working with children in improving their education’s access but also managing the communication’s strategies in the organization. However, thanks to the COMnGO Project of Erasmus+, I […]
With so many variety of photo and video editing programs, which should I use? There is a wide variety of programs to edit your images and videos, both free and professional or paid. Certainly there are similarities between these programs; most work with layers, a basic tool that allows you to work independently with the […]